(Re)reading ________ を再読する
(Re)reading ________ を再読する
(Re)reading ________ を再読する

「_____を再読する」は、十勝大樹町に位置する Memu Open Research Campus において、東京大学 memu earth labが進めている活動です。今回は、〝再読〟フィールドワークから派生するサンプリングの断片(地層、流木、牛糞、石、草、鹿、香り、森、音)を共有し、言葉ではなく、ものを介し触れて考えることで派生するコミュニケーションを試案します。
(Re)reading _____” is an activity conducted by memu earth lab of the University of Tokyo at the Memu Open Research Campus located in the town of Taiki, in Tokachi. This time, we will share fragments of sampling (strata, driftwood, cow dung, stones, grass, deer, pigs, sheep, scents, forests, and sounds) derived from the “re-reading” fieldwork, and think about new communication through touching things rather than through words.
(Re)reading is an opportunity to listen to the things in front of us and (re)read our relationship with them. It is also a time and opportunity to rediscover ourselves. We also hope to share thoughts about the next generation of communities that such relationships will create.
2024.12.10 (Tues)~12.14 (Sat)
Location: Sapporo Community Plaza 2F SCARTS Studio
会場:札幌市民交流プラザ 2F SCARTSスタジオ
主催:UTokyo Ushioda Memu Earth Lab(北海道広尾郡大樹町:Memu Open Research Campus内)
10:00~19:00(10日12時開始 / opens at Noon on the first day)
「_____を再読する」は、十勝大樹町に位置する Memu Open Research Campus において、東京大学 memu earth labが進めている活動です。今回は、〝再読〟フィールドワークから派生するサンプリングの断片(地層、流木、牛糞、石、草、鹿、香り、森、音)を共有し、言葉ではなく、ものを介し触れて考えることで派生するコミュニケーションを試案します。
(Re)reading _____” is an activity conducted by memu earth lab of the University of Tokyo at the Memu Open Research Campus located in the town of Taiki, in Tokachi. This time, we will share fragments of sampling (strata, driftwood, cow dung, stones, grass, deer, pigs, sheep, scents, forests, and sounds) derived from the “re-reading” fieldwork, and think about new communication through touching things rather than through words.
(Re)reading is an opportunity to listen to the things in front of us and (re)read our relationship with them. It is also a time and opportunity to rediscover ourselves. We also hope to share thoughts about the next generation of communities that such relationships will create.
2024.12.10 (Tues)~12.14 (Sat)
Location: Sapporo Community Plaza 2F SCARTS Studio
会場:札幌市民交流プラザ 2F SCARTSスタジオ
主催:UTokyo Ushioda Memu Earth Lab(北海道広尾郡大樹町:Memu Open Research Campus内)
10:00~19:00(10日12時開始 / opens at Noon on the first day)
「_____を再読する」は、十勝大樹町に位置する Memu Open Research Campus において、東京大学 memu earth labが進めている活動です。今回は、〝再読〟フィールドワークから派生するサンプリングの断片(地層、流木、牛糞、石、草、鹿、香り、森、音)を共有し、言葉ではなく、ものを介し触れて考えることで派生するコミュニケーションを試案します。
(Re)reading _____” is an activity conducted by memu earth lab of the University of Tokyo at the Memu Open Research Campus located in the town of Taiki, in Tokachi. This time, we will share fragments of sampling (strata, driftwood, cow dung, stones, grass, deer, pigs, sheep, scents, forests, and sounds) derived from the “re-reading” fieldwork, and think about new communication through touching things rather than through words.
(Re)reading is an opportunity to listen to the things in front of us and (re)read our relationship with them. It is also a time and opportunity to rediscover ourselves. We also hope to share thoughts about the next generation of communities that such relationships will create.
2024.12.10 (Tues)~12.14 (Sat)
Location: Sapporo Community Plaza 2F SCARTS Studio
会場:札幌市民交流プラザ 2F SCARTSスタジオ
主催:UTokyo Ushioda Memu Earth Lab(北海道広尾郡大樹町:Memu Open Research Campus内)
10:00~19:00(10日12時開始 / opens at Noon on the first day)